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来源:深圳网站建设| 时间:2018-04-21| 浏览次数: | 文章标签:诺创视听科技(深圳)有限公司 

诺创视听科技(深圳)有限公司是Theatrixx在亚洲的代表处。全力支持Theatrixx Technologies, Inc. (Canada), 诺创诺创视听科技(深圳)有限公司的使命是在中国大陆创建一个健全的销售网络,促进和维护中国当地客户的客情关系。


Theatrixx Technologies is a Canadian manufacturer of reliable equipment for the professional video, lighting and staging industry. Its in-house designers have extensive experience and understanding of the specific needs of the event business. They create innovative devices and systems that meet the highest standards and are built to withstand the daily hazards of life on the road and demanding installations.

Theatrixx Technologies distributes and manufactures technical equipment to suit the needs of the performing arts industry.

Theatrixx Technologies' product lines are carefully selected based on our rigorous criteria with regards to safety, reliability, sturdiness, quality of construction and manufacturers' solid reputation.

Theatrixx Technologies designs custom equipment that offers solutions to the video, lighting, audio, power and cabling challenges. Our in-house designers have extensive experience and understanding of the specific needs of the event business. They create innovative devices and systems that meet the highest standards and are built to withstand the daily hazards of life on the road and demanding installations. All products meet or exceed UL and CSA standards.

In addition, Theatrixx Technologies works in collaboration with its clients to develop solutions to their specific needs, producing prototypes and delivering a finished product within time sensitive schedule and on budget. 

Theatrixx Technologies; A key member of your Video, Lighting, Audio and Stage Design Team.

十五年 建站经验



深圳网站建设公司地址:深圳市龙岗区平湖街道花半里欣悦广场A栋2302 | 业务热线:15811826684 谭生

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